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KidRated News

Millie Makes It Go

Published: 20th May 2020



One young North London girl has made a music video in support of “all those working to make coronavirus go” and it’s got our nod of approval.


Written to the tune of the classic Frozen song Let It Go it sees Millie, wandering round her house singing as she goes about her daily exercise, complains about crashing Zoom calls, practices her ballet moves and pets the family dog.


Millie, also finds time to make one of the classic rainbow posters in support of NHS workers and puts it in her the windows. Click here to see the video.



Millie's tribute to the NHS and frontline workers


Millie is no stranger in being in front of camera as she and her older brother Toby, made several reviews for Kidrated when they were younger. However, her talents are not just confined to being the star of her video – she also edited it a well.

Says Mum, Starla, “She’s become a right little demon on IMovie!”


With Lockdown still in place, many schools on hiatus and holiday travel plans on ice – we hope to see more of Millie’s musical creations as she finds time to fight off the boredom many kids are facing. Plus brother Toby has promised us some Teen reviews of the capital’s virtual attractions. So watch this space!


Toby & Millie


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