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The best family days out in London and beyond rated by kids and teens

KidRated News

Disabled Access Day

Published: 16th January 2015

Tomorrow, 17th January, marks the first ever Disabled Access Day and we are excited. The day is all about encouraging disabled people and their families to visit a place, be it a museum or cafe or cinema, that they have never visited before.


At KidRated we love days out and adventures around London and think everyone should be able to have access to all the cool stuff you can do around the capital. So we wholeheartedly support this day as do our friends at Kids in Museums.

Furthermore, loads of KidRated’s favourite attractions are involved. Including:












All that the organisers behind Disabled Access Day ask is that you visit somewhere that you haven’t been before. Have a look on the official website to see exactly what each attraction is to celebrate the day and find the best place for you to visit.


Also check out the day’s official sponsor Euan’s Guide which reviews attractions based on disabled access.


The message of Disabled Access Day is simple: Get exploring!


And hey, while you are out and about having a great day, why not K-Rate it for us?


K-Rate It


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