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The best family days out in London and beyond rated by kids and teens

Video Star App


Average K-Rating based
on 4 K-Rating reviews

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Video Star App

Video Star App allows you to star in your own music video. Simply download the app on you iPod, iPhone or iPad, select a song, film yourself dancing and lipsyncing around, add some cool effects and then ta-da you have your very own music video which is easy to upload to Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.


This is a great app to use with friends or even on your own if you are bored on a rainy day. So find yourself a cameraman, a parent or sibling will do just fine, and film your way to stardom!


KidRated Top Tip: Check their Facebook and Twitter pages  and the Video Star App blog for tips on how to make your videos even better. The original app may be free but extra effects will cost you so much sure you have your parents’ permission first.


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